Thursday, May 15, 2008

Brand New Feelings!

Last night Andrew and I attended Nick Scapa's birthday party at the Honor Roll house. It was not so much a birthday party for me; I would have described it as "an end of an era" party. I do not mean this in a defeatist or exceptionally sad way... but last night I felt affected. Strong hands pulled my heart in all directions. Hands that were not my own. The hands of many, fine, cosmic spirits. I want to now review the moments in my mind as I listen to CoCoRosie's "The Adventures of Ghosthorse and Stillborn."

Joe Rehmer, "Goodbye, Forever." His words cut me, man. My eyes began to spark tears. I cannot think about such a phrase as "Goodbye, Forever." I want to see Joe again! I want to continue being friends. I am not going to let a false conception govern our to-be longterm relationship. The term "forever" hurts. So does "Goodbye." After conversation with Joe Rehmer last night, I began to experience the pain that comes with leaving your friends.

17 years old: I left Long Island with no problems. I didn't cry when I left my friends, my family... I hate cliches but this one is making me laugh on the inside, "The time was right for picking." As my former life friends and I move into our new lives, I haven't felt sad. When we talk, I recognize that we are not what we were, and that's ok. I have yet to produce tears over their and my latest existence.

But Joe! We haven't been "friends" for very long at all, but his absence affects me. He is a strong individual and he is the first of my friends to leave.

"Goodbye for a While."

Last night my connections with certain people were realized. When Richard and I stood around in a group laughing and reminiscing PANAMA, I felt something strong and very real and in tune with a person who I had not necessarily felt a shared fire with. Our fire burns for Panama. We were connected and connected we shall be.

And Geneva! Geneva and I have been friends...we were friends but we never had a personal relationship... until the other night: she saw something and I saw the same and we shared intuitive recognition! I will feel her absence, too.

I love my friends. I don't think I ever felt true love for a group of people before. I love my friends for the stuff they are made of. I love their stuff.


Richard said...

There is no goodbye, only the opening of opportunities to crash on other couches in other cities in the future.

lawren byrne said...

that's the ticket, mr. haig!