Monday, February 25, 2008

Bundle Bunny

We dance together, we dance together. I look remarkably like a flapper. Andrew looks remarkably like a man who swings. Ja, brosie. 

Sometimes in the middle of the night I awake from my slumbers and run my fingers through the raspberry kamikaze-coloured hair of a swinger. Sometimes in the middle of the night I arise from my bedchamber and drift down the sleepy hallway into the dark front room. I step down into the moon room and find myself reading and writing. Reading and writing. 

An article in the New Yorker discussed a new book packed with six-word phrases describing a persons' life story. I have not tried to shorten my life into the width of a mere phrase... I believe mine is much more than that. Some of the phrases seem incredibly banal. One famous chef said something along the lines of "Brings to a Boil Often" (I am missing a word, I know). Cute. "Je me sens toutes choses" Peut-etre. 

I am going to try to write poems in the French language. Bonne nuit. 

Monday, February 18, 2008

Happy President's Day

As I emptied some sweet, sticky sugar into my coffee this afternoon, I overheard a male student loudly profess his love of President's Day. According to himself, he believes that he is the number one Patriot. I turned around and asked him smartly who the 23nd president was. He didn't know. His friends were laughing and gave me high fives. Benjamin Harrison... in case you were curious. I was curious, too! Teehee. 

Monday, February 11, 2008


there is something wrong with the majority of the students at the university of miami. there is something wrong with the majority of students. there is something wrong with people, in general. 

i signed onto facebook this evening in search of an animal rights group to join. instead, i find:

1. "i love animals... with gravy" for "those of you out there who love to eat meat or just hate those vegan nazis. i may have to share this planet with animals, but i'm doing my damn best to eat every last one of them." 
hey buddy, you are an animal. this group has 59 members at the university of miami and has postings that read "great group" "hehe" "UM grilling society." 

2. PETA, "People Eating Tasty Animals." According to these sympathetic individuals, "every animals has a place in this world. for most of them, that place is right next to my mashed potatoes." 
ok, lady... "every animals?" every animals. evvverry animalS. 

3. "vegetarians should die"
note: people BELONG to these groups

the ignorance and self-centered nature of all of these "ideas" sickens me. how could these people find "WRONGNESS" in vegetarianism? 

this is not the sole problem i have with the students (i am speaking about the masses) of individuals at the university of miami. i am simply expressing my disgust toward those who lack compassion and awareness of other organisms.